Monday, 24 June 2013

Photo shoot with Ella Rose in the Schwagalp, Switzerland

I have just returned from my photo shoot in the Schwagalp in Switzerland, where I worked with model Ella Rose for two days. The trip had been postponed by a few days due to bad weather which had brought a big dump of snow to the mountains and shrouded the whole area in cloud, rain and snow which would have made photography impossible.

We arrived in Zurich on the 5th of June to sunshine and 15 degrees, with blue partly cloudy skies. Perfect! We were met at the airport by my Swiss friend Wendelin who was to be our host, driver and guide for the next two days. An hours drive took us to the farmhouse in the Schwagalp where we would be staying.

We worked mostly at altitudes of between 1300 and 1800 metres which involved a fair amount of walking up steepish mountain tracks. This was reduced to a bearable level by a couple of cable cars, one of which wasn't much more than a wooden box!

Ella and myself stopping for a break on our way up Selun, at 1700 metres.

Working on the mountainside at 1800 metres. It was quite warm, apart from the snow which was pretty cold of you happend to be barefoot!

A shot using my Lumix G10 infrared camera

Overall we had a brilliant time and got some wonderful shots which you can see on my website:  click here

You can also see a full screen slide show with music: click here

Also for the first time I shot some video. Ella improvised to some music by Hildegarde von Bingen ( played on a portable JamBox ). As it was my first attempt the video work is very simple, shot using my wide angle stills camera on a tripod. However the combination of the stunning location and Ella sympathetic and beautiful flowing movements still made for a good result. To view this video: click here


  1. Wonderful! Well done both of you.

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